Monday, February 12, 2007


I just kind of want to write. I enjoy writing. Sometimes I feel like I can say some reasonably important things when I just write, but other times, I write paragraph after paragraph only to delete it all and walk away without putting a word into the public arena.

But tonight, I'm sitting here unable to sleep. I actually DID fall asleep on the couch, and when I decided to stop fighting it, and went to my bed, put on some Harry Connick Jr, and curled up, of course, the sleep moment had passed, and I sat there alert and 'pensive' which is one of the moods you can select when you write these blogs--I dare you to pick it someday and just see who pokes fun at you... haha :)

We had retreat last weekend. I don't know that I've had a retreat as fun as this one. Not that past retreats haven't been fun, and there are some people who would have been fun to have around (Ian, Bobby, Jeff, Holly, Brandy, etc, etc...) But there was something cool about this weekend. It started Friday night when one guy who's a little newer to church 'culture' (curse that concept) said he was expecting a 'life-changing experience' this weekend. I'd asked kids to share (if they wanted) what they were hoping for as they came on this weekend. Kids talked about release, relaxation, fun, a word from God, clarification, peace, understanding, and then this guy throws out 'life-changing-experience' to which, one of our adorable girls (who I love dearly) says, 'no pressure, jeremy'.... haha... honestly I'd felt NONE!

How cool is it when people throw out expectations like that which are the expectations we SHOULD throw out when talking to and about God (huge)!! He threw it out, and I believe God brought it. That was Friday night... Saturday night, after our chapel-type session, This guy walked away with one of my guitars and wrote an unbelievable song.

We can throw out expectations, and when they're honest and in line with something God already wants to bring, what happens except that God brings it!

I think that's child-like faith (the New Testament talks about that... actually, it's Jesus). A faith that says bring it! A faith that says, 'I skipped some stuff to be here, because I believe you're going to get inside of me and make me different!!'

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