Wednesday, August 6, 2008

$3.48 in Missouri!!

So I got a tank of gas in Missouri today for $3.48!! Can you believe it!! And the next logical step in this conversation is to question why we are now celebrating the fact that gas is $3.48!! How many of us have heard/said/agreed with the phrase "Who imagined we'd ever be happy about paying $3.48 for a gallon of gas??" Right?? And really, most of us WANT gas to go lower, but as long as it doesn't go any higher, we'd be really happy if it just stayed here at $3.48!! Right again??

Spiritually, I wonder if the same isn't true here in our American churches?? I wonder if we are so used to pathetic Christian experiences... not really feeling God's presence... that when we feel this little tiny thing move within us, we're so stoked about it!! And as long as it doesn't go away, we're really OK with it being tiny.

Do you get me??

So many of us don't hear the voice of God.... and yet, I'm guaranteeing He's speaking!! But we're OK with not hearing His voice as long as that small movement we feel in our soul on Sunday morning doesn't go away. In youth groups, parents (and all too often, youth pastors... yours truly included) are often very happy with kids merely becoming better people according to a very suspect worldly standard. Instead of desiring that God truly move!!

Now gas might never go back down, but seriously, we really should never be satisfied with weak spirituality!! We should never accept and even CELEBRATE a spirituality that is small.


Shawn S. said...

Quite right! My cheeky response would be to invite you to the fullness of a strong Catholic faith. Sadly, though, there are many Catholic parishes that offer "pathetic Christian experiences", too. Which is all very sad, I think, because it's the connection with whole body of Christ, present, past and future, the whole (Catholic) faith which extends from Christ and leads back to him that is our hope. Rather than chasing at whims, whispers and hints of the God's presence, we can be assured of it and immerse ourselves in it through prayer, worship and service.

Glenn said...

I'm impressed with how frequently you can take a very common thing (gas price; freeway driving) and turn it into a lesson that we all need to hear.

Keep it up!