Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So I have no desire to be extra inflamatory with what I say... I really don't. I have no desire to accuse and somehow make it seem like I think I'm perfect and if only everyone else would just hear what I say, they might have a chance at that kind of perfection, too... that's not my intent.

Really, I want people to dig and dialogue. That's a stupid word out of intellectual circles. People in those circles use the word dialogue to describe the process of talking... :) They say, "let's dialogue about it" and sound really high and intelligent, when all they're really saying is let's talk about it. :) But honestly, I want people to talk in a way that is seeking. I hope for talk that is directed. I guess that's kind of how I see dialogue. Talking is just conversation--you might just be passing time, or discussing a shopping list or a birthday party. I see dialogue as talking with a point. Talking that's intended to get somewhere. Talking that shoots to evaluate and dig through an issue.

So I suppose the way I preach, the way I lead discussion, the way I teach... all are hopefully leading teens to dig deeper. Hopefully teens are challenged to be a bigger part of the grander discussions that have taken place thousands of times, and continue to take place as fledgling Christians the world over continue to seek after what it means to have 'relationship' with an almighty God. I desire not to give 'pat' answers, but to inspire questions that dig and seek after God!

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