Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Plan B

I heard a well-meaning preacher the other day who said: "there is no plan B!" talking about how God has put His church on earth and has not made any contingency plan!

I've heard this before--most of us have, if we attend church or youth camps. It's a ploy, meant to guilt-trip us into witnessing to our friends because God hasn't made a Plan B, and so if we want our friends to miss out on the eternal torture of hell, we need to be a perfect Christian cause there is NO PLAN B!! :)

I gotta disagree. Seriously. Jesus was plan B!! Adam and Eve and their progeny in paradise was plan A!! That went awry so the Law was put in place... that prepared God's people for the Messiah: plan B!!

So for us to put all this guilt on ourselves about there not being any other options, seriously!! Who do we think we are!!

I have a feeling God goes to plan B with regularity!! Cause we all mess up with regularity!! Stop beating yourself up over it!! Get back up and get moving!!

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