Monday, May 28, 2007


I offended some people last night. I never want to do things like that, but I do. From time to time, someone comes to me and calls me on the carpet cause I was so 'angry' about something. I've had this same facial expression for the last (I have no idea how many) years. It's a look that I do from time to time when I'm confused. But almost always, it's interpreted as an angry look. Even people I know--who've experienced the look time and time again--misinterpret the look regularly.

So here's the funny part: I am who I am. I'm not an angry person. I think people know that, and therefore: why do they assume that I'm angry. But as a human, I have to realize that I'm obviously not seen that way. Obviously, people see me as a person who gets angry really easily: otherwise, they wouldn't respond to me like that.

It got me thinking about nature. Not leaves and camping kind of nature, but nature as in the nature of God. Cause while I was thinking about what I see as my own nature, and how I'm obviously not the way I THINK I am, I realized that we make assumptions about God as well. God is the way He is, and that's just that. He loves, He cares, He creates, He heals, He's fair, and on and on...

And the funny thing is that I can rely on those things. it doesn't matter if on Tuesday it feels like God doesn't care about me... I need to not jump to conclusions; instead, I should rely on what I know about God... rely on what I KNOW to be His nature. Rely might be the wrong word: rest might be better. I can rest in that knowledge. Rest brings peace. Peace is glorious.

So next time I give you a dirty look, please assume that I'm just confused and not ticked off.

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